Customer’s Experience

What to expect
On your first visit to our centre, our qualified therapists will need to complete a profession specific assessment of your problems. This will normally include asking detailed questions about your problems and how your lifestyle is affected. Our aim is to fully understand how your injury / condition affects your day-to-day activities, work, hobbies, or sport. We will try to establish what you want to achieve through the therapy and come up with a list of goals that are important to you and that we can realistically help you reach.

On your first visit, if your think your work or insurance will be paying us directly for your treatment, please do come with a valid Guarantee Letter stating this clearly to help us facilitate the process smoothly, otherwise you may find you need to pay first then claim back from your company later.

The therapist assigned to you will need to check you physically, looking for specific movement restrictions, to make a proper professional assessment of your problems. Only then can they formulate an appropriate treatment plan, specifically developed for you. This assessment process will normally include exposing the injured part of your body.

As some of treatments suggested for your rehabilitation may also involve physical manual handling techniques, to help loosen stiff joints or tight muscles, should you prefer to have a same-sex therapist, kindly inform the front desk staff before your initial appointment and we will try our best to accommodate your request. If it is not possible to fulfil this request, you may wish to bring a friend or family member to be with you during the assessment process.
You may prefer to ear loose comfortable clothing however; shorts and gowns are available at our centres. It is normally advisable to bring comfortable pair of good sports shoes for any exercise sessions.